Tim Cook advocates for privacy law in US Congress

After passing through Congress on June 9, 2022, Tim Cook sent a letter to lawmakers in which he calls for new legislation on the protection of privacy ” as soon as possible “.

Tim Cook pushes for privacy law

Over the years, the boss of Apple is positioning himself more and more as a fervent defender of the privacy of Internet users. In his letter to members of Congress, Tim Cook explains that “Even if there are outstanding issues to be resolved, the subject should go far beyond differences. Such a bill would provide real consumer protection and we are writing to offer our support in achieving this common goal.”.

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Apple has long sought to position itself as the most privacy-conscious company in the tech ecosystem. This was particularly the case with the implementation of App Tracking Transparency in the spring of 2021. Tim Cook regularly addresses the subject in his speeches and in the public meetings in which he participates. He asserts that this commitment to privacy is a value deeply ingrained in the minds of employees and often uses the phrase that says “Privacy is a fundamental human right”.

There is a strategic interest for Apple

This positioning with legislators is also strategic for Apple. The company plays on both counts: with legislation going in this direction could clearly give an advantage and a head start to the American giant. If a text sees the light of day in the coming months, Apple’s competitors will have to rethink their systems to comply with the law and it will take time. This is certainly another motivating factor for Tim Cook. A draft version of a privacy law, dubbed “American Data Privacy and Protection Act”is currently under study.

This bill could give consumers protections and rights regarding how their data is used online, and would require companies to minimize the amount of data they collect about their users. One of the points discussed is whether whether the bill provides exceptions for states that already have a law on the protection of privacy. This is the case of California with the California Consumer Privacy Act, or about ten states that adopted the Social Media Privacy Protection and Consumer Rights Act in 2021.
