Till Lindemann celebrated here: What is the KitKatClub?

Till Lindemann celebrated in the legendary Berlin KitKatClub — and caused quite a stir. But what is the KitKat actually?

It’s nothing unusual for musicians to go to a club to party after a concert. However, if the musician is called Till Lindemann and the location is KitKatClub, this is a controversial topic of conversation in the context of the allegations of abuse against the Rammstein frontman. But why actually — and what exactly is the KitKatClub?

The KitKatClub has been one of the most legendary techno clubs in Berlin since it was founded in 1994 – but it offers much more than “just” music. The party concept is described on the location’s website: “Techno, Trance, Fetish & SM” it says there. The name alludes to the club of the same name from the musical “Cabaret”. Especially explosive in combination with the Causa Lindemann: The KitKat is considered “sex-open”. The club was founded by former porn producer Simon Thaur and his partner Kirsten Krüger.

Fusion and dress code

According to the KitKatClub, they would like to merge “acoustics, optics, adult ‘experience’ politics, young & old, class & race”. Details on the dress code can also be found on the venue’s official website. “Dress code always means: fetish, vinyl & leather, uniform, kinky, stylish, glitter & glamour, costumes & elegant evening wear,” one reads further there.

On the other hand, normal street clothing and not wearing underwear are forbidden (“We are not a swingers’ club,” the KitKat comments on the latter commandment). The door control in the KitKat is considered very strict.

A number of different events take place at the KitKatClub — including the well-known “CarneBall Bizarre”, after-hours parties such as “Nachspiel” and musically diverse events such as “Symbiotikka”.
