Tilburger catches man on his girlfriend’s scooter and pulls it off

A 22-year-old Tilburger caught a Polish man (40) on Thursday night, who was riding his girlfriend’s scooter that had just been stolen. He eventually managed to catch up with him and pull him off the scooter. The Pole has been arrested and is suspected of receiving stolen goods.

The owner (22) of the scooter was woken up by her mother around 5 am on Thursday night. He had seen how the scooter, which was standing in front of the house in the Korvel district, was stolen. The woman immediately called her boyfriend, after which they – separately from each other – went to investigate the area by car.

Not much later, the friend saw an unknown man riding the scooter on the Oerlesestraat. He chased after him, yelling several times for him to stop. In the end he managed to overtake the scooter on Trompstraat. There he grabbed the passing man, who fell to the ground. At that time, his girlfriend also arrived, who had already called the police.

The Pole tried in vain to open a knife, but was unable to prevent him from being arrested moments later. He is currently incarcerated.
