Tilburg goes for progressive municipal government: GroenLinks, D66, VVD, PvdA

After the great victory of GroenLinks in the municipal elections, it was hardly surprising: Tilburg is going for a progressive government. That is what informateur Joris Bengevoord wrote to the Tilburg city council on Wednesday.

Bengevoord has spoken with all council factions. Based on the election results, most parties find it logical that GroenLinks, D66 and VVD take the lead, is his conclusion.

These three parties do not yet have a majority, so at least a fourth must be added. Bengevoord focuses on parties that have won: PvdA, 50Plus Tilburg and Lokaal Tilburg. He thinks the PvdA is the most logical choice.

As a loser, CDA sees no role for itself in the new municipal council. Hans Smolders’ party, LST, is also not a likely candidate for the new coalition: “This party indicated that it was ideologically further away from GroenLinks and D66”, the informateur writes in his conclusion.

On Monday, the Tilburg city council will discuss the advice of the informant.


GroenLinks wins huge in Tilburg, big loss for List Smolders
