TikTok’s most viral churrería reopens in Barcelona

His return was more anticipated than that of Pantoja. “It was time“We missed you,” repeats each customer who passes by his counter with a smile of reunion. Churrería J. Alpuente (Padilla, 161) has finally reopened, the reference churrería in TikTokafter five months of “electrical ordeal”.

From here they come videos with more than 22 million views. Viral name: @xurrebcn. Accumulate 25.2 million likes and more of 585,000 followers on TikTok. One of his ‘hashtags’, #xurreriajalpuenteit’s already going 311.6 million views. His sales, the TikTok churrero estimates, have increased by 20-30% in his three years on the networks. Here you find the same ordinary tiktokers that ‘gent’ of ‘barri‘, tourists posture or youtubers Famous. “I wanted to make churros again,” Juan smiles from ear to ear, unsheathing cones at cowboy speed. “I’m very happy with the acceptance of the people.

It is the J. of J. Alpuente. They still call it “Juanito” in the neighborhood. “Imagine: a guy measuring 80 meters and weighing 105 kilos,” he laughs. “Everyone knows me when I was little,” he justifies them with affection. He is a second generation churrero. He has small talk of a lifelong neighbor and stand-up comedy. “Have good humor is essential to do Churros”, he assures. This is said by someone who gets up every day at ten to four in the morning. Except on Tuesdays, when he has a party and goes tiktoking around with his gang of ‘influencers’.

“What a vacation!” they tell him sarcastically lifelong clients. “What kind of vacation? –Juan snorts-. “It’s a joke that you don’t see.” He reopened on Friday in fits and starts due to a family issue. After the reunion queuesthis Monday I was trying to recover churrera normality.

Now it’s in Padilla, 161. They moved it from its official headquarters, next to the Encants, in October of last year. In May he had to lower the blinds for a “electric problem” which has been extended by five months. Some of his Tiktoker followers have helped him. “But a wire “literally,” he laughs. At last he has managed to reopen with his own counter.

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What have you been doing these five months? “Trying to fix everything as soon as possible,” he says with resignation. And she has continued to entertain networks, clear. He will have gained about 20,000 followers on Instagram (@alpuentejuan, 36.9 thousand followers in total). It has also taken advantage of paint the churrería and “to try learn new things”, he details. “I want to do Stuffed churros, I’ve been looking at machines… Trying not to waste time,” he summarizes. There will be news at Christmashe announces.
