Tiktok off your devices in 30 days

The Tiktok ban applies to federal agencies as well as the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Federal agencies must remove the Tiktok app from all their devices within a month. Illustration picture. Shutterstock/AOP

The White House has given US agencies 30 days to remove the Tiktok application from all agency devices, the news agencies Reuters and AFP report.

The US Congress already passed a law on the matter earlier, and the White House announced a deadline to remove the app on Monday.

The law applies to federal agencies as well as the US Senate and House of Representatives.

For example, the White House, the Ministry of Defense and the US Homeland Security Agency have previously banned the use of Tiktok on their devices.

The reason for the ban is the concern that the Chinese government could pressure Tiktok to hand over information collected about users, which could be used for intelligence or spreading misleading information. Tiktok is owned by the Chinese company Bytedance.

The United States is not alone with its Tiktok ban. The European Commission announced last week that it will ban the use of Tiktok on its devices. Canada, on the other hand, said on Monday that it will ban the use of the app on government devices due to security and privacy risks.
