Tiki-taka in Assen: FC Amboina returns to amateur football

The Moluccan football club FC Amboina from Assen will play competition again after three years. The club ceased to exist in 2020, because there was not enough support to keep the association alive. Until now, because a new group of volunteers is putting their shoulders to the wheel and has registered three senior teams for the new season

The club has received the green light from the KNVB and currently has 55 members. The football players train on the fields of the LTC football club in Assen. There is also their own club house.

One of the initiators who is breathing new life into the club is brand new chairman Genaro Hattu. “A few years ago I came to play football here, that stopped in 2020. But I always enjoyed playing football at Amboina and we wanted to bring that back with a number of boys.”

And that pleasure is mainly in the feeling that the players get when they put on the blue shirt of FC Amboina again. “It is difficult to describe what you feel when you put on the shirt. But as a Moluccan it gives a lot of value to play football for a Moluccan club.” But despite the fact that it is originally a Moluccan club, everyone is welcome. “The current club is a combination of Moluccan boys and boys from other origins. It is a bit multicultural. But everyone is welcome with us,” says Hattu.

The new chairman hopes that more members will join the club now that they can see how well things are going. “We try to keep this up and hope that more people will follow and join. So that we can continue to exist for a long time and can play football.”

The first training was scheduled for last night and everyone was looking forward to it. “We haven’t played football for a long time and then you just feel like it again. To have fun together and especially to form a team with the people and your friends. And kick a ball at the same time,” laughs Hattu.

RTV Drenthe was present last night at the first training. See how that went down below.
