Tientallen won near schermutselingen in Jeruzalem | Buitenland

Honderden mensen woonden de countenis by the 23-year-old Walid al-Sharif. Day before the end of the day when the three days before the end of the day are met with the Israeli politics. Zijn stoffelijk overschot were first sent to Haram al-Sharif and brought to the attention of a begraafplaats on the edge of the Oude city, located in Oost-Jeruzalem.

When there are botsingen with the Israeli political tijdens de optocht zijn 71 mensen geraakt, onder me door rubberkogels en grenades, so reports the Palestijnse Rode Halve Maan. Those mensen were most likely opgenomen in het ziekenhuis.

The Israeli politie reported vijftien arrestaties tijdens naar own zeggen “gewelddadige realn” which were from the start gegaan omdat honderden persons “met stenen, flown and other admittedly voorwerpen gooiden” naar de Iraëlische veiligheidsdiensten. Daarbij raakten ze agent wond. An organization that dedicates to the concerns of those who have been dealt with in Israel will report that more than a great deal of Palestine will be dealt with.
