Tientallen arrestaties na golf van geweld in Ecuador | Buitenland

Ecuador wordt al dagen geteisterd door and golf van geweld. A powerful bendeleider ontsnapte afgelopen weekend uit de gevangenis. In other words, we were detined in Opstand. Armed men were in a television studio in Guayaquil on many Tuesdays and were using and working in Gijzelden, which had to be opened at the door of the policy. The policy is also a doelwit: on other places in the country there are agents on the ground.

The authorities describe the aanhoudende geweld as a response to criminal offenses and plans from a two-pronged police force. President Daniel Noboa has announced that 22 crimes have been committed as terreur organizations. Deze was shown as a military doelwitten the uitgeschakeld liken door de strijdkrachten.
