Tientallen arrestaties bij operatie tegen ‘Ndrangheta in Italië | Buitenland

Ruim 400 carabinieri names the name of the actie, the name ‘Karpanthos’ meekreeg. The suspects were accused of misadventure as a lidmaster of the mafia, lidmaster of a criminal organization, drug smoking, afpersing, diefstal and witwassen. Of the suspects who are being oppacked, he has 38 in de cel, 6 staan ​​onder huisarrest and 8 must report regularly to the police.

The ‘Ndrangheta is based on the largest mismanagement of Italy, so the largest part of the country can be controlled by cocaine traffic in Europe, and the people are waiting. The activities of the organization are based on the hair base, the region of Calabrië, and the borders of Italy.
