Tienduizenden huizen in Nieuw-Zeeland zonder stroom door cycloon Gabrielle | Buitenland

Overheating functions must be carried out in the amount of gold, overflowing, surrounding trees and aardverschuivingen. Some residents in the northern regions of Auckland and on the east coast of the Nieuw-Zeelandse Noordereiland are awaited if they fill up their packages in the next few years.

“Het ergste moet nog komen”, said Prime Minister Chris Hipkins maandag in hoofdstad Wellington tegen verslaggevers. “We would like to adapt and react, so we would like to make changes.”

In total there are 46,000 houses in the area. Air New Zealand had 509 flights announced, but had announced that flights had been booked on Tuesday.

Also previous maand camp in Auckland in the Noordereiland with uitzonderlijk weer. There was a lot of rain that was recorded, with overflowing resulting in death. Four mensen kwamen om het leven.
