Tickets for the Fijnfisjenie Café in Roeptoetgat: register here

The nicest café during carnival can be found in Roeptoetgat. For four days you will experience the real Brabant carnival from all over the province in the Fijnfisjenie Café. Great stories, the best performances and lots of fun. And you can be there!

During carnival the Fijnfisjenie Café is open every day, you can’t go there alone, you want to go there. Because who wouldn’t want to party with our presenters Jordy Graat and Christel de Laat? They do this together with café visitors, artists and our reporters who travel throughout the province with the Brabants Buske.

But what is a café without visitors? You can be there by registering for the Fijnfisjenie Café draw. Registration starts on Saturday, January 13 at 1:11 PM. In other words, 11 minutes past one.

To enrol
Registration for tickets runs until Friday, February 2, 2024. The nice thing is that everyone has an equal chance of winning tickets. New tickets become available at random times throughout the registration period. You can then claim this immediately by registering for it.

Register here for the Fijnfisjenie Café draw

Register with the form above. You then immediately indicate how many people you want to attend. You will then receive an email with the link to the Fijnfisjenie Café Portal.

Here you will immediately see the days and time blocks and whether tickets are available for the size of your group. Select the block and click on ‘confirm your booking’. If you are the first, you will immediately receive confirmation and your tickets by email.


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