Ticket problems at BVB cause trouble

On Tuesday (6:45 p.m.) Borussia Dortmund will start the new Champions League season with the home game against FC Copenhagen. Before the start of the premier class, however, there were ticket problems for some season ticket holders.

The background is the standing room reform by UEFA, which means that BVB can play in front of a packed house internationally for the first time in 25 years.

As the “Ruhr news” report, some season ticket holders without an international option could not book tickets for the duel against Copenhagen because the season ticket was not stored in the online profile on bvb.de.

“I contacted BVB on August 23rd. My girlfriend Jenny and I have had a season ticket together for years, but it hasn’t been assigned an e-mail address. That’s why I contacted BVB so that the season ticket could be used corresponding e-mail address should be added”, Thomas Zaworski from the BVB fan club Treue Hammer reported to the “Ruhr Nachrichten” and added: “I then received a message that it would be processed within two days – there is nothing yet happened.”

Particularly bitter for the fans: Due to the fact that some supporters could not book the group stage package, they are now deprived of their privileged status when it comes to the allocation of tickets for the knockout stage.

BVB speaks of individual cases

“That annoys me particularly, because I’m assuming that BVB will survive the group phase. If it’s a game that I’d like to see and it’s timely, we can’t use my girlfriend’s season ticket,” said Zaworski.

Borussia Dortmund has now admitted to the newspaper that some season ticket holders have had problems, but attributed this to an increased service volume. In addition, there were only isolated cases of disruption where help could be provided immediately.

Due to the possible full capacity of the stadium, adjustments had to be made in ticketing. The short period between the draw and the opening game also made this process more difficult.
