Tichanovskaya: Prigozhin in Belarus means unrest

MINSK (dpa-AFX) – The exiled Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tichanovskaya fears more unrest in her homeland from Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigoschin. “Bringing war criminal Prigozhin to Belarus adds another element of instability,” the politician wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “Belarus doesn’t need more criminals and thugs, it needs justice, freedom and security for our people.”

After his failed revolt on Friday and Saturday, the head of the Russian private army, Wagner, was allowed to go to Belarus with impunity, the Kremlin said. According to his own statements, the Belarusian head of state Alexander Lukashenko, as a negotiator, stopped the Wagner mutiny against the Russian military and state leadership. On Sunday, however, it was unclear whether Prigozhin was on his way to the neighboring country, which is closely allied with Russia./fko/DP/nas
