Thursday again code yellow due to heavy wind gusts | 1Limburg

After the February storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin, the KNMI will again announce code yellow for Thursday due to heavy wind gusts.

Thursday between 14:00 and 18:00 there is a chance of wind gusts up to 75 kilometers per hour according to the KNMI

Wind gusts
The heavy gusts of wind, which mainly occur during showers, can create dangerous situations in traffic and during outdoor activities. The KNMI announcement applies in most of the country. Only in Overijssel, Gelderland, Utrecht and the Wadden Islands is no code yellow for the time being.

stormy month
The severe weather coming Thursday is the latest addition to a stormy February month. On February 16, Storm Dudley swept across the country. The storm caused damaged houses and fallen trees in Maastricht and Venlo, among others.

The weather was stormy again on Friday, with wind speeds of over 140 kilometers per hour being measured. With that, the storm, Eunice, grew into the severe storm category. In the night from Sunday to Monday it was hit again: storm Franklin then caused strong winds and heavy showers with hail, sleet and thunder.

Also read: Storms cause crowds: more than 850 reports to the fire brigade

Storm damage reports were received throughout the province after the heavy weather over the weekend: a total of about 850.
