Thumbs up for Gabriel Rubinstein

I arrive apologizing And after weeks of back and forth. The noted economist Gabriel Rubinstein finalized his landing in the economic team of Serge Massa when it no longer seemed possible.

He was announced as a virtual Deputy Minister of Economy (Massa is a lawyer) but the formal position is Secretary of Economic Programming, an area that did not exist until now. Y will be one of the key pieces to set the course.

Rubinstein had been involved in a controversial for his sayings in social networks mocking Kirchnerism, and even slipping that the vice president was a thief who buried her money.

those tweets they had outraged Kirchnerism when Massa suggested the incorporation. But the political waist of the super minister managed to get it enabled. And the economist complied with thanking the Patria Institute for its permission.

“I want thank Sergio Massa the trust placed in me. With professionalism and passion, I will offer the best, in the face of the challenges that we have to face”, Rubinstein tweeted after the announcement made by Massa to thank him for his appointment.

And he published an apology: “I also want to highlight the government’s breadth of joining the team despite comments aggravating on my part in social networks that did not correspond to carry out”. He was a relief for Massa: Many other economists turned down offers to join his team.

The delay in the appointment also had to do with the organization of Rubinstein’s private work as a business consultant, to avoid possible conflicts of interest. The plan design is still in process, but “the second” of Economics raises positive expectations in the market.

And it is that Massa per se, already has several weight allies. Daniel Vila and Jose Luis Manzanoowners of Grupo América and also of the electric company edenor, who will be able to increase rates with the new minister, were at his inauguration. And the minister is a regular attendee at the social events that Vila and Manazano usually organize, such as the Solidarity Harvest in Mendoza.

And over the last ten years Massa has had a relationship with Mauricio Filibertithe chlorine businessman who, together with Vila and Manzano, bought the Edenor company from Marcelo Mindlinanother friend of the tigrense.

The banker Jorge Brito he was the one who opened the door for Massa to a circle of powerful businessmen. A club that integrates Sebastián Eskenazi, Jorge “Corcho” Rodríguez and Adrian Wertheinamong other friends of the Massista patron who passed away in November 2020.

Political meetings used to be held in the house of the owner of Banco Macro. In one of the last and most famous, Massa took as guests Máximo Kirchner and Eduardo “Wado” De Pedrohis allies in the FDT, and sponsors of his candidacy in 2023. The same as enabled the arrival of Rubinstein.

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