Thrush mill in fully restored | Focus and WTV

Thrush mill in fully restored

The Lijstermolen is a wooden post mill. It first stood on the Lijsterhoek in Beernem, where the name ‘Lijstermolen’ comes from. The mill was built around 1801 and remained active until 1947. In 1957 the municipality of Westouter bought the mill for 500 euros. The mill was inaugurated on 21 July 1961, the feast day of Saint Victor, the patron saint of millers.

Although the mill was running at that inauguration, it was never actually put into use. It was protected as a monument in 2004. But the mill has been in decline ever since. For years there were discussions about the restoration file. Until the Flemish government awarded a subsidy of 370,000 euros in 2019 to restore the mill.

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