Throwing an airfryer in Hoeven: ‘The busier the better’

Broken airfryers that only hang together thanks to some duct tape: in Hoeven, the residents approach King’s Day very differently this year. No free market, big party or parade in the village. The inhabitants come together for the Hoevense airfryer throwing championship. “Looks like nobody wants an airfryer at home”, organizer Ewald Koning beams.

Ewald Konings from Hoeven hates airfryers so much that he came up with a simple solution: throwing an airfryer. The activity is inspired by the Dutch Airfryer Throwing Championships in Mierlo last year. “I thought: we should have that here too,” he tells Brabants Buske. “Don’t be silly with those airfryers. We just need to have a chip pan in the kitchen again, because a frikandel has to come out of the chip pan.”

“Looks like nobody wants an air fryer in their house.”

The game is simple: participants take an airfryer with them and try to throw it into a wheelie bin decorated with the Dutch flag from a distance of four meters. If you miss, you’re out. “The last one left gets a new frying pan. Then you can fry in the fat again, as it should be,” says Ewald.

The whole village gathers in the afternoon to watch the championship. “Looks like nobody wants an airfryer at home,” Ewald says proudly. Because all airfryers that are thrown at the bin will die in no time. The aim of the game is therefore crystal clear for Ewald: “The more broken, the better”.

Also for the participants it is mainly about destroying the airfryers. “I want that frying pan!” But what kind of tactics do they have? “Drink a beer,” says one participant. It seems to work, because after a nice throw, his airfryer is in the wheelie bin. “Just hard and clumsy I guess,” says another contestant before trying in vain.

“I’ve been able to train for this for years.”

After the first round, the line moves back four meters and an exciting final begins. “I have been able to train for years for this, because of course this did not take place in the past two years. I practiced a lot in my backyard,” says one participant. But unfortunately: his airfryer just doesn’t end up in the bin.

Ultimately, Juup Sonnemans wins. “My girlfriend will be happy with it,” he says proudly, holding his brand new frying pan.

You can read everything about King’s Day in us live blog

ALSO READ: Throwing first edition of the Dutch National Championships airfryer, winner Willem gets ‘real chips’
