“Throw him out at HLF8!”

Jack van Gelder is causing more and more annoyance with his performances in the talk show HLF8. Some people resent him because they find him populist and politically incorrect.

© HLF8

Marcel van Roosmalen is one of the people who is completely annoyed by Jack van Gelder. The columnist thinks it is shameful that the sports presenter argued at the HLF8 talk show table last week to simply start pumping gas in Groningen again. “Let’s just get selfish,” he shouted.

Right than VVD

Unbelievable, says Marcel in the NRC. “Jack van Gelder started out as a football reporter, but has now clawed himself up to an oracle for everything that is on the right of the VVD.”

Jack has come to believe in himself too much because of programs like HLF8, he thinks. “Fold the problem into a ball, kick it to the other side of the field and the problem is solved. At HLF8 there is no reply, which means that such a Jack van Gelder visibly grows.”

Omniscient Jack

Jack’s omniscient attitude causes great annoyance to Marcel. “He then looks smugly at the camera with a look of ‘just ask me one more question, and I’ll give a solution’.”

Renske Holwerda, director of RTL Nieuws, thinks Jack should just be kicked out of that talk show. She tweets: “Why does ailing HLF8 keep holding on to Jack van Gelder? The boomer incarnate is just there again.”

wappie slope

Jack also opposes the new round of corona vaccinations. “Jack van Gelder has been on the wappie slope for years”, viewer David tweeted.

Marcel: “Jack de Onderbuik speaks to you… I notice that Jack van Gelder has been on the path of polarization for a while; and the path of populism… Attention sick, that’s what it’s called ?.”

And Jaimy: “Can’t we close the gas bubble of Slochteren by pushing Jack van Gelder’s big red head into it like a cork?”


Jack’s offending statements at HLF8:
