Thrive Anywhere, a library of templates to create lead magnets

The lead magnet is at the heart of any good inbound marketing strategy. This consists of creating premium content for its prospects, such as white papers. To get them, they must provide their contact information. Typically, this is their email address. This strategy increases the traffic of its website and enriches its contact base. Creating lead magnets takes time and some thought, but is very effective in increasing your conversion rate. To make the creation process easier, there are template libraries like Thrive Anywhere.

Templates for content creators

Thrive Anywhere’s templates were created by experts who have been in the marketing business for over twenty years. They are intended for use by content creators, freelancers or freelancers. They are suitable for different use cases: communication, marketing, e-commerce, sport… They can be useful for designing marketing plans, an example of a publication schedule or even an ebook on creating a podcast. Every month new designs are added to the library.

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Thrive Anywhere stands out for the quality of its templates. Thanks to the many original designs offered, each of them makes it possible to design attractive and professional content. They are downloadable in IDD and PPT format. This means they can be customized in Adobe InDesign and PowerPoint software. It is therefore possible to modify the model as desired, by adding and removing elements. For example, it may be a good idea to change the colors and put your logo on it so that the identity of your company is easily recognizable. Then, all you have to do is add your text and create your landing page to sell your content.

Currently, the AppSumo marketplace offers Thrive Anywhere for the price of $49 for life instead of $120. This offer allows you to obtain 120 credits, which corresponds to the download of three models. To have more on hand, it is always possible to obtain more credits.

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