Thriller Veerle Baetens gets American remake with two Oscar winners | showbiz

In 2018, the Belgian director Olivier Masset-Depasse released the film ‘Duelles’, starring Veerle Baetens. The film won no fewer than nine Magritte Awards, including ‘Best Picture’ and ‘Best Director’. Now the director can do that trick again, but in America. For his American remake, the director was also able to snare two top actresses: Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain. The women – who have both already won Oscars – also act as producers for ‘Mother’s Instinct’.

Set in the 1960s, the film tells the story of neighbors Alice (Chastain) and Celine (Hathaway). They both have a son of the same age. But then a tragic accident happens, which puts the relations on edge. The story is based on the book ‘Derrière la Haine’ by Barbara Abel.
