Three years in prison for man who stabbed ex-partner mother in the neck at Amsterdam playground

A 22-year-old man has been sentenced by a court to three years in prison for stabbing a man at a Amsterdam playground. The man who was stabbed was his mother’s ex-partner.

The stabbing incident took place on June 21, 2022 in broad daylight. Just before 6 p.m., the victim walked past a number of sporting men onto Makassarplein. One of the sporting men got up and walked towards his bag. He then walked over to the victim and stabbed him in the neck. The victim briefly chased the convict, but collapsed in Gorontalostraat.

The victim was rushed to hospital, where he spent several days in intensive care. The victim has a large scar in his neck and paralysis around his eye and mouth. According to the court record, “it is unclear whether they will fully recover.”

Police said at the time that there was “additional sensitivity to the case,” i.ebecause many children were playing in the playground during the stabbing incident.

‘Black before his eyes’

The convicted person has stated that his mother and the victim used to have a relationship. According to him, there were threats and violence in that relationship, including towards himself. On the afternoon of the stabbing incident, he saw the victim for the first time and it became ‘black before his eyes’. He can’t remember what happened from then on, only that he was back in his car at some point.

The 22-year-old man has an antisocial personality disorder, according to the psychological examination. Because the convicted person cannot remember anything about the incident, it cannot be determined whether his disorder played a role.

In addition to the prison sentence, the man also received a behavioral and freedom-restricting measure (GVM). The GVM means, among other things, that he will receive intensive supervision and supervision after detention. In addition, he must pay more than 9,000 euros in compensation.
