three World Cup games in 2022 with a rejection rate of 98.33

Jussi Olkinuora’s control percentage is 98.33 and the average number of goals scored is 0.33.

Jussi Olkinuora (front) was the Lions’ guard on Friday. Frans Tuohimaa was the second hammer. Jussi Saarinen

Can you Jukka Jalonen ignore Jussi Olkinuoran As the lion’s first goalkeeper in the Tampere World Championship 2022?

Olkinuora has been between the pipes on the World Cup for 180 minutes. One puck has gone behind. The rebound percentage is 98.33 and the average number of goals scored per match is 0.33.

Shouldn’t the plot of the first guard on these screens be cemented, Jussi Olkinuora?

– Talking to the coaching staff about things other than gambling. We talk about Kummeli stuff and everything else is done, Olkinuora answers.

Olkinuora was the number one guard on last season’s World Cup ice and left the pole for Beijing. In the five-ring race, he got into a corona dungeon for a couple of days, so Harri Säteri took responsibility and eventually took the Lions to his Olympic gold.

In Tampere’s Säter watch on Wednesday, Finland lost a hard 2-3 to Sweden and won Latvia 2-1 last weekend. Olkinuora has profits from Norway, the USA and the United Kingdom.

– There are two squeaky hammerheads. We realize that we do not take the competition situation in person, but enjoy it, Olkinuora states.

His game performance in the tournament could be described as confident and calm.

– Peace is sought. But percentages and others tell our team how much puck is in possession. Not much was given to the opponent on Friday either.

Against the British, Olkinuora’s zero-break came off with ten fights.

– I am satisfied with the overall picture. I didn’t go to mess up even though there was so little to do.

Säteri will probably play against Austria on Saturday, but it would be quite a surprise if Olkinuora did not handle the Finnish matches between the pipes until the end.

So far, Jussi Olkinuora’s World Cup has been excellent. Jussi Saarinen
