Three specific questions will make the difference: avoid shopping on the spur of the moment

Don’t get bogged down in the post-Christmas sales: follow this three-question method.

Although the offer in Christmas sales can be dizzying, think carefully about what purchases you make. Significantly lower prices may tempt you to buy more impulsively, but you’ll skillfully avoid impulse purchases by following this three-question tactic.

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So keep the payment card firmly in your wallet until you are sure that the new fashion purchases in the Shopping Cart meet these criteria.


A three-question shopping strategy for sales:

QUESTION 1: Would you have used this last year? When it comes to a new trendy piece of clothing, you might be considering it right now, because it can be seen in many street photos, on stars or on influencers’ social media accounts. Think about whether it is a passing trend garment or a garment that will truly inspire you for a longer period of time.

QUESTION 2: Do you still want to use it next year? Think about whether this piece of clothing or accessory is such that you want to wear it for the coming year and beyond. You might be impulsively buying it right now just because it seems like a lot of other people have one too.

QUESTION 3: If this same trendy item of clothing comes back to the “surface” after years, will you wear it again? All trends come back in cycles, but that doesn’t mean you should keep them and wait for them to come back into fashion. You might want an updated version then and not wear the same old one anymore.

IN SUMMARY: Carefully get clothes and accessories that are both timeless and suit your own style, that will stand the test of time and that you will wear for a long time, despite the seasons and trends.

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