Three songs from album Michael Jackson removed from Spotify | Stars

It’s about the songs Keep Your Head Up and Breaking News† Also Sample, the track on which rapper 50 Cent can be heard can no longer be found in the track list of the album on streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music.

There has been a lot of talk about the tracks for some time now. A fan filed a lawsuit in 2014 against a production company and two friends of Jackson. They claimed that Jackson recorded the tracks in 2007, but the fan and the artist’s heirs disputed that. Sony Music, the label that Michael published posthumously, has since acknowledged that Jackson did not collaborate on the tracks. It is unclear, according to NME, whether the songs were removed due to the matter.

Michael was published in 2010, a year after Jackson passed away. The album contains ten songs that he had not released before. Except for the three tracks, the other songs can still be streamed.
