Three people drowned in one day on the Catalan beaches

ominous day in the Beaches catalan This Saturday they have drowned three people, two in Girona and another in Tarragona. The last one was this afternoon in Castelló d’Empuries (Alt Empordà), when a person has died 60 year old man in the ruby From the Civil Protection of the Generalitat they have requested that the safety measures since the heat wave that is expected for the next few days will increase the influx of bathers to the coast.

The latest victim is a bather from cuban nationality. The lifeguards of the Castelló d’Empúries beach have given the warning at 6:46 p.m. and, despite the fact that the Servei d’Emergències Mèdiques (SEM) has mobilized an ambulance and a helicopter for the maneuvers of cardiorespiratory resuscitationThey couldn’t save his life.

Yellow flag in Tarragona

Shortly before, at 4:12 p.m., a similar notice had been received in the Miracle of Tarragona, with the same fatal ending. Another man died on that beach, where the yellow flagbecoming the second fatality of the day, according to the Generalitat.

The deaths have occurred on a day in which the red flag that prohibits bathing in 25 Catalan beaches and the yellow flagwhich recommends caution in other 156as a consequence of the bad sea that is recorded this Saturday on the coast.

The Tarragona victim was a 32 year old man and indian nationalitywho has drowned while bathing in a section of the beach that has lifeguard service and in which there was a yellow flag. The lifeguard pulled the man out of the water, who remained on the sand while they carried out resuscitation maneuvers until the arrival of the EMS. However, everyone’s maneuvers have ultimately been unsuccessful.

In Roses too

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With the three victims of the day, there are already 10 people drowned since the beginning of the summer bathing season, on June 15. In the morning, another 55-year-old man had died on the Salatar beach, in roses (Alt Emporda, Girona)

Civil Protection has reiterated the need to extreme caution on the beaches and swimming pools and always keep in mind your own physical conditions and avoid overexertion so as not to have difficulties getting out of the water.
