Three new rules from the Buitenlandse ‘zelfstandigen’ the fraude plegen aan te pakken: “Ze profiteren van ons socialezekerheidsstelsel” | Inland

Bijna de help van de zelfstandigen with buitenlandse roots heeft in 2022 geen sociale bijdragen betaald. Minister of Zelfstandigen David Clarinval (MR) now lances three regulations on the fraud in the package.

The Belgian population has 1.2 million inhabitants and has 42,355 Roman roots. Met verre voorsprong zijn zijn des largest groep buitenlandse othernemers. Zelfs de Nederlanders and Fransen never come into the building. There will be 13,000 Roemeense zelfstandigen zichreven in Belgium in 2022 – there will be no more than in the buurlanden – deed to the Minister of Zelfstandigen David Clarinval (MR) to the Wenkbrauwen fronsen. En effectief: Hij ontdekte dat he iets vreemds aan de hand was. “Ze wrote in as a primary starter, which meant that the two of them were long and dead and had a social impact. When the period is open, the radar disappears. Well, every year we come back to Belgium and have the heel of the carousel. “Zonder ooit sociale bijdragen te betalen,” says Clarinval.

Right op verlijf

A different manner is the inscription as an assistant to the active partner of a zelfstandige, which is also the door of the mazen of the net can glippen. The nieuwe zelfstandigen with buitenlandse roots blijkt uit cijfers van het RSVZ (Het Rijksinstituut voor de Sociale Verzekeringen der Zelfstandigen) in 2022 will help the sociale bijdragen te betalen. “Zo’n 40,000 zelfstandigen hebben zo testerd om te profiteren van ons socialezekerheidstelsel én the right to remain in the market. “The state has a lot of money for the euro’s incomprehensible misery.” The fraud is carried out in the building sector and in beautiful areas.

You can’t do that in the toecomm. He comes to a register of vennoten én assistants, waardoor fraude gemakkelijker op te spurs wordt. As a primary starter we want to inscribe that it has been controlled more strictly. If he said a huge amount of money, he would not be able to get any information about the other social distribution funds. This should be done on the organized carrousels. When a user has a social debt of 2,500 euros, 15% of the de facto legal rights to the social security have been disrupted.
