Three more Dutch universities in the top 100, Leiden is not included | NOW

The Netherlands is still represented in the top 100 of the Shanghai Ranking with three universities. It ranks the best universities in the world. Compared to last year, Leiden University has fallen out of the top 100. Erasmus University in Rotterdam just entered the top 100. This was evident from the new ranking that was published on Monday.

Last year, Leiden University was still in 83rd place on the list. In the years before that, the oldest university in the Netherlands was also in the top 100. Leiden is still one of the best 150 universities, says the organization behind the Shanghai Ranking.

Utrecht University (54th), University of Groningen (66th) and Erasmus University in Rotterdam (87th) are still among the best hundred universities in the world. EUR returns to the top 100 after a year of absence. UU and RUG are both losing a few places compared to last year.

In addition to Leiden University, Radboud University in Nijmegen and the University of Amsterdam are also located between places 100 and 150.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), as the ranking is called in full, has been compiled annually since 2003. For the list, universities are judged on factors such as the number of articles researchers publish in scientific journals and the number of researchers often cited by other scientists.

As usual, the American Harvard University takes first place. Stanford University is in second place and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is in third place. The entire top three this year is American. The British University of Cambridge drops from place three to four this year.

The best universities in the world according to the Shanghai Ranking

  • 1. Harvard University (US)
  • 2. Stanford University (US)
  • 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  • 4. University of Cambridge (UK)
  • 5. University of California, Berkeley (US)
  • 6, Princeton University (US)
  • 7. University of Oxford (UK)
  • 8. Columbia University (US)
  • 9. California Institute of Technology (US)
  • 10. University of Chicago (US)
  • 54. Utrecht University
  • 66. University of Groningen
  • 87. Erasmus University Rotterdam
