Three gynecologists are on trial for medical error during childbirth

Three gynecologists are on trial for medical error during childbirth

The baby was left permanently paralyzed in his right arm after his shoulders became trapped during delivery. The defense requested the acquittal.

The facts took place on August 13, 2012 in the hospital of Knokke-Heist, now part of AZ Zeno. Shoulder dystocia occurred during childbirth, a complication in which the baby’s shoulders become trapped behind the mother’s pubic bone. After eight minutes, the boy could still be released, but a nerve was hit. As a result, his right arm is still paralyzed to this day.

According to the Public Prosecution Service and the civil parties, certain risk factors were insufficiently taken into account during childbirth. For example, the mother-to-be had a hip problem, which prevented her from using enough force while pushing. According to their own words, the parents had repeatedly insisted in vain for a caesarean section in advance.

The gynecologist who performed the delivery stated that he had done everything in good conscience to free the baby from his predicament. The regular gynecologist also denied that she made any mistakes. The defense also noted that the defendant was on vacation that day. Finally, the acquittal was also requested for a third gynaecologist. The man had done a final check-up the day before the birth, but would not have mentioned in the file that the expected birth weight was higher than expected. According to his lawyer, however, it was a normal birth weight, which, even in combination with the hip problem, should not necessarily lead to a caesarean section.
