three family photos for Easter greetings -iO Donna beautiful photos, posted on Instagram and Facebook, to wish happy Easter: like this Charlène Wittstock she made her official return to her commitments as Princess of Monaco, alongside her husband Alberto and to the two children, the twins Jacques and Gabriella, seven years.

Happy Easter from Charlène Wittstock

“Happy Easter,” wrote the former swimmer via social media, in the first of the three shots made by Eric Mathon.

A set in the home gardens, where a picnic themed set was set up: cushions, a basket with a porcelain rabbit, flowers. Gabriella looks at her mother, Jacques is serious towards the goal, Prince Albert smiles. The second photo is very similar to the first, while the last, taken in the church, portrays the family during a moment of prayer.

The return after a long absence

These are the first public images since the princess returned to Monaco, on November 8, after a long stay in South Africa. Wittstock had arrived in her home country on a charity trip and then got stuck due to an ear, nose and throat infection that prevented you from flying, at least this is the official version of Palazzo Grimaldi. After returning to Europe, the heavily debilitated princess had left her Principality again: destination Switzerland, to spend her convalescence in a specialized clinic.

Charlène of Monaco, the end of a nightmare: she returns home after her illness and hugs her children again

From drug addiction to divorce: the gossip about Charlène Wittstock

The prolonged absence from Monaco has fueled all kinds of gossip, from those about the breakup with Alberto, which has been rumored since the days of the wedding, celebrated ten years ago, to the hypothesis of drug addiction. It is difficult to disentangle in so much chatter, including the last one, what the royal couple would like to agree on the fact of avoiding the divorce.

Rumors of divorce and the alleged settlement

The former swimming champion would have asked her husband for permission to live in Roc Agel, the residence of the Grimaldis on the Côte d’Azur, together with their children, and he would have accepted, as long as he did not break up, at least this is what a source close to the family told Voici. Charlène would feel oppressed at Palazzo Grimaldi and would like to remain as far as possible from the Rocca, especially from sister-in-law Carolina, that before his arrival she was the first woman in Munich and that in the last ten years she was not going to make it easy for her. A cumbersome presence, even for her twins: in the months away from the Principality it was she, together with her sister Stéphanie, who took care of them.

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Twins, moreover, may be the only real reason to keep their parents’ marriage going. In the event of a divorce, Wittstock may lose custody, as the journalist Bertrand Deckers pointed out a Closer some weeks ago: “The twins belong to the Palace”he said bluntly. An unacceptable choice for any mother, including princesses.

