Three Extinction Rebellion activists arrested at a protest at Schiphol

Three Extinction Rebellion demonstrators were arrested at Schiphol. The action group demonstrated this morning at the departure halls at Schiphol and has now moved outside.

Out of dissatisfaction with the supposed contribution of aviation and Schiphol to the climate crisis, around twenty Extinction Rebellion activists turned up at the KLM counters this morning. Several activists held signs with texts such as: ‘No hub for KLM club.’

summary judgment

The reason for the action is the summary proceedings that KLM previously filed against the State. The focus was on the planned reduction of the airport from 500,000 to 460,000 flights. In the end, the court ruled that the contraction should not continue.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee kept an eye on the situation at the airport. The Marechaussee informs NH News that three activists have been arrested. A demonstrator resisted violently during the arrest.
