Three emergency shelters for non-Ukrainian asylum seekers set up in North Holland

Three emergency shelters for non-Ukrainian asylum seekers will be set up in the Noord-Holland Noord region, in order to help relieve the pressure of the application center for asylum seekers in Ter Apel in Groningen. The municipalities of Schagen, Hoorn and Koggenland have made locations available for the refugees.

The application center is overcrowded and therefore urgent assistance has been requested from the other regions in the country. Every security region has been asked to receive 100 asylum seekers for a short time from tomorrow. In Noord-Holland Noord, help comes from three municipalities.

bell jar farm

In the municipality of Schagen 40 asylum seekers come to ‘t Zand. This concerns a farmhouse on the Bosweg. A spokesperson for the municipality of Schagen says that it concerns ‘short-term private reception’ [gaat] for at least one month’.

Hoorn receives a maximum of 25 asylum seekers in a care farm, in Koggenland 20 asylum seekers are accommodated in a hotel. The Noord-Holland Noord safety region indicates that the ‘principle is that these people stay for a month’.


These locations are non-Ukrainian refugees. The aim is to accommodate as many people as possible from one culture and one language in one location. “With the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA), we try to make a match that best suits the location,” said the North Holland North security region.

With these three locations, the security region is not yet able to receive 100 asylum seekers. So there are more locations to come: “We are still discussing the other places.”
