Three doctors killed in attack on Al Awda hospital in Gaza

Three doctors have been killed in an attack on Al Awda Hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Two of them worked for MSF, the third worked closely with that aid organization. MSF says it is shocked by the murder.

The doctors, Mahmoud Abu Nujaila, Ahmad Al Sahar and Ziad Al-Tatari, were said to have been on the third and fourth floors of the hospital when the building was hit. Other medical personnel were also injured.

MSF said it kept the warring parties informed of the conditions in Al-Awda and the presence of its staff at the hospital. “We condemn this attack in the strongest terms and once again call for respect and protection of medical facilities, staff and patients,” the organization said. According to the organization, there are still more than 200 patients in Al-Awda Hospital.

Last functioning hospitals

According to AzG, Al Awda is one of the last functioning hospitals in northern Gaza. She therefore reiterates her call for an “immediate ceasefire in Gaza, now more than ever, for the lifting of the siege and for the protection of medical facilities and medical personnel.”

Several hospitals have been shelled by Israeli troops in recent weeks and MSF speaks of “systematic” violations of international humanitarian law.
