Three dead from a car leaving the road in Perelló (Tarragona)

three minors of age from Camarles (Baix Ebre) have died this Sunday in a traffic accident at kilometer 1 of TV-3022 in the perellówhile a fourth person was critically injured, as reported by the Catalan Transit Service.

For reasons that are being investigated, a car that was traveling north, towards Rasquera (Ribera d’Ebre), has left the road, fell down a ravine and caught fire.

The driver of the vehicle, of legal age, is the one who has been very seriously injured and has been transferred to the Vall d’Hebron Hospital. The Mossos d’Esquadra have received the notice a few minutes after four in the afternoon.

The incident has forced cut traffic on the road for several hours in both directions of traveland six Mossos patrols, six Generalitat Fire Departments and the medicalized helicopter and four ambulances from the Sistema d’Emergències Mèdiques (SEM) have been activated.

With these they are already 24 people who have lost their lives in a traffic accident on Catalan roads this 2023.

Elena: “Brutal impact for families”

The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elenahas traveled to Camarles to continue the work and give moral support and assistance to the relatives and neighbors of the three minors who died in this accident who, as he explained, “were going to see a football game”.

Elena has remarked the “brutal impact for the municipality, for all the neighbors and, of course, for the families” that has caused this accident in the town of Baix Ebre and has wanted to praise the work of all the security and emergency forces in the assistance and investigation work.

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For his part, he Mayor of Camarles, Ramon Brullhas highlighted the “very hard blow” that this deadly accident has caused “in a municipality of 3,400 inhabitants where we are all related”.

“We have transferred the families that are by their side for whatever is necessary,” explained a visibly affected Brull: “They were neighbors and I had known them since childhood.”
