Three circusbroers may show nog afwerken in Nederland, but have been since opgepakt op verdenking van poging tot moord | Buitenland

Ze would like to paasmaandag de uitverkochte voorstelling in de Nederlandse stad Arnhem nog afmaken, but then the three brothers of the Renz circus family will be beaten in de boeien. The artists from 21, 26 and 36 years were not open to verzoek van de Duitse authoriteiten aangehouden omdat ze been suspected of a poging tot moord. Report that on the local crane ‘De Gelderlander’.

Begin that year there is no one in Hamburg who is being mistreated. The men from 21 and 26 years ago a man had beaten with stokken and boksbeugels. The 36-year-old brother zou op de uitkijk hebben gestaan. Het slachtoffer liep a serious hoofdletsel op, maar kon zichzelf van zijn belagers bevrijden. A condition for mishandling zou a ruzie zijn met a competing circus.

International aanhoudingsbevel

Circus Renz had the open days in Arnhem, in the east of the Netherlands and the largest with Germany. The three broers wilden when the circus tent begins to break, to be overrun by agents of the Fugitive Active Search Team (FASTNL). There is a Nederlands opsporingsteam that also works in Europees association, and there is no direct suspicion.

Tegen de three circusbroers was an international aanhoudingsbevel uitgevaardigd.

“I’m afraid I don’t like it”

The family was not able to comment on it tomorrow. “I can’t get the family to pack anything,” reports a world leader from the circus. De vrouw was zelf bij de voorstelling in Arnhem aanwezig, maar zag de aanhoudingen not given. “I screamed at me. After that, we would like to have the caravan aft of the car coupled and then we actually talked about it.”

The day after the first presentation of Circus Renz is planned in Gemert, a town in the north-west of Eindhoven.
