Thousands voted for the best Christmas box – One singaht by throwing to the top

One product roared when we asked readers for the best Christmas box in stores.

Many people buy ready-made Christmas boxes, and why not? Using ready-made boxes makes it easier to rush, and you don’t have to compromise on flavor either. We asked readers which of the stores’ Christmas boxes is the best. There were thousands of responses.

In the voting, Saarioinen’s lantulatiäki took an overwhelming victory, capturing no less than 26 percent of the votes. There were 22 different answer options in the vote, and you could also name your favorite from outside the ready-made options.

Saarioinen clearly left the competitors behind in the voting, as it grabbed no fewer than four first places with its products. Saarioinen’s potato box received the second most votes in the survey, named as their favorite by 14 percent of the voters.

Saarioinen’s carrot box took third place and Saarioinen’s liver box came in fourth.

Saarioinen’s bow box rumbled in’s Christmas box vote. Insular

The fifth most votes went to Kymppi’s fancy potato box, which collected eight percent of the votes.

Five percent of the votes went to the Kokkikartano lantula box, after which the votes were evenly distributed between different manufacturers and different boxes.

Iltalehti tested the liver box Christmas tarts that were talked about on social media. Watch the video to see what reactions the tarts evoked on delivery. Henri Kärkkäinen / IL
