Thousands of tickets and many motorcycles for Chloë’s birthday (4)

A somewhat nervous Chloe sits on the lawn in front of her house, waiting for what is to come. She celebrates her birthday this weekend, which is exciting for any four-year-old, but Chloë also receives a visit from dozens of motorcyclists.

Chloë Louwes has Leigh’s Syndrome. This is an energy metabolism disease in which more and more body functions fail. It is therefore very uncertain how many birthdays she can still celebrate.

A few dozen motorcycles, trikes, pick-up trucks and their drivers are now gathering at a motorcycle shop in Nieuw-Weerdinge. Here starts a motorcycle tour that goes past Chloe’s house. There is no shortage of enthusiasm to ride along. A motorcyclist was pointed to the ride by her mother and was immediately enthusiastic. “Maybe the weather won’t be so nice, but I don’t care. We’ll just go. Very nice for that girl.”

This ride is organized by Sylvia de Rode from CS-riders. “We’re going to visit her house together, just say hello. We’ll stop at the end to bring some presents.”

Those presents can then be crammed into the living room with all the other gifts and cards. A few weeks ago, Chloë’s parents made an appeal to send cards. That call was made, among others, at RTV Drenthe. So far this has resulted in around 3,500 tickets. Father Arno is clearly impressed when he shows the cards.

“Japan, Canada, America, you name it. Everywhere it gets away a bit. It’s just great fun, our girl enjoys, brother enjoys and everyone enjoys.” Several washing lines with cards hang over the entire length of the living room. Boxes still contain hundreds of unopened envelopes. So Chloë can enjoy this birthday for a long time to come, Arno agrees. “Absolutely, absolutely. A big happy birthday. I don’t think she could wish for better.”
