Thousands of students in Drenthe are introduced to technology in Assen

VR glasses, electric scooters and drones. Today, a few thousand students from Drenthe are introduced to technology in Assen. The Techniek Tactbaar event in the Bonte Wever is intended to make students enthusiastic about technical training.

Hordes of children from all over the province sniff technology in the large Asser hall. Dozens of stalls have been set up, from which about thirty companies give workshops.

For example, there is a simulator with which young people can experience what it is like to operate an excavator. Dylan deftly presses the control buttons and waits for the excavator to follow his orders. “How cool, it’s like a game!” he says enthusiastically.

Jan Emmens is standing at the attraction. As the owner of an employment agency for, among other things, personnel in the technical sector, this day comes in handy for him. “Actually, we are of course here to recruit staff. But that won’t be possible tomorrow, because these boys and girls are still too young,” he laughs. “But I do think this experience is impressive and they won’t soon forget it,” he says, pointing to the simulator. “So hopefully they’re thinking about a career in this industry and we’ll see them again in the future.”

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