Thousands of people demonstrate against the PSOE in Ferraz and a split reaches Congress

Thousands of people have come to the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid, on the street Ferrazto protest against the amnesty law that the PSOE has agreed with CKD and that lasts with Together to achieve the re-election of Pedro Sanchez as president of the Government.

The concentration has begun in advance and with a redoubled audience. The National Police has doubled its deployment with some 160 agents in up to eight groups of riot police to contain a crowd protesting against the investiture agreements and with a defense of much wider and stronger metal barriers, in the face of protesters with Francoist flags and, among the crowd, a neo-nazi black sun. Neophalangist groups occupy the front line of the demonstration, among them Activists of Making a Nation and National Democracy, and also the leader of Desokupa. The protest takes a predominantly extreme right tone and Cara al Sol is sung.

The tension felt in the area is even higher than that which occurred on Monday, when the riot police had to charge in to break up the escrache, which is why the police have expanded the security perimeter, anticipating new incidents around a building that It is closed tight.

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The protesters chant long live Spain with slogans such as “They don’t fool us, Catalonia is Spain”, “That milkmaid to the border”, “Puigdemont to prison”, “Spain united will never be defeated” and “Sánchez die, police unite”, all of this alongside a banner that reads “Spain does not pay traitors, no amnesty”. A couple of masked men have climbed onto the roof of a tobacco kiosk, at the edge of the police cordon, raising a Carlist flag and giving the fascist salute. One of them is Isabel Peraltaa well-known member of the neo-Nazi group Bastion Frontal and to whom Germany prevented entry after finding several swastikas and a copy of Mein Kampf in her luggage.

A part of the protesters, around 8:00 p.m., broke away from the main concentration and headed towards the Congress of Deputies, which was shielded by the police in front of numerous young people with their faces covered and holding Francoist flags. After a few minutes, they returned to the main rally in front of the Ferraz headquarters, cutting off traffic in their path without police intervention.
