Thousands of extras wanted for the “Hunger Games” film

The film

The film “The Panem Tributes: The Song of Birds and Snakes” will be shot in late summer and autumn in Berlin and Brandenburg Photo: picture alliance / Zoonar

From BZ/dpa

More than 2,500 extras residing in Berlin and Brandenburg are needed for a film on the prequel to the “Hunger Games” trilogy.

People of different skin colors between the ages of 6 and 70 are in demand.

In particular, children between the ages of 6 and 12, sporty, tall men between the ages of 20 and 50 and young people between the ages of 16 and 19 can apply, as the film faces agency announced on Tuesday. Men should have a shorter haircut, no beard, and no visible tattoos or pierced ears.

The film “The Panem Tributes: The Song of Birds and Snakes” will be shot in late summer and autumn in Berlin and Brandenburg. One to five days of shooting are planned for the extras.


The Hunger Games Movie Hollywood
