Thousands of Brandenburgers against Corona measures on the street

Thousands of people in Brandenburg demonstrated again on Monday evening against the corona requirements of politics.

Meetings were registered in Cottbus, Potsdam, Frankfurt (Oder), Eberswalde (Barnim), Fürstenberg (Oberhavel) and Neuruppin (Ostprignitz-Ruppin), among others. In the state capital Potsdam, hundreds of people walked through the city center accompanied by whistles and horns, as a dpa reporter reported. The police also secured the protest march on horseback. A counter-rally took place at Nauener Tor.

In Wandlitz, around 150 people demonstrated near the lido against the Corona requirements and commemorated a 53-year-old who collapsed and died a week ago on the sidelines of a demonstration against Corona policy. The man was the musician Boris Pfeiffer, a longtime member of the medieval rock band In Extremo.

One of the speakers at the meeting in Wandlitz was the AfD politician Hannes Gnauck from Uckermark, who is classified as an extremist by the military counter-intelligence service (MAD). Participants in a counter-demonstration formed a human chain from the town hall to the supermarket.

Counter-demonstrators stand in a human chain on the side of the street in front of the town hall in the evening (Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa)
Counter-demonstrators stand in a human chain on the side of the street in front of the town hall in the evening (Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa)

Organizer Thomas Mehling from the Freie Bürgergemeinschaft Wandlitz spoke of around 250 demonstrators. They held up banners with inscriptions such as “Heart instead of rushing”.


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