Thousands of additional homes in Drenthe after 2030? ‘Let’s first build houses for that time’

Outgoing Minister Hugo de Jonge’s plan to build thousands of additional homes between Assen and Groningen after 2030 is causing mixed reactions in Drenthe. Employers’ organization VNO-NCW Noord is positive, but believes that the current construction plans should first be implemented. At Nature and Environment Federation Drenthe they call on people to first look within cities and villages to see whether construction can take place there.

After 2030, De Jonge wants to build an additional one million homes throughout the Netherlands. One of the five designated locations for part of this is the area between Assen and Groningen, leading to Emmen. “Of course it is good to look further ahead, so that we do not just solve acute problems,” says VNO-NCW Emergency Chairman Sieger Dijkstra.

Although he does add a comment. “Let us first ensure that we build the 900,000 that are planned for 2030, so that the people and children living in the villages can also find homes. We are still waiting for those 900,000, just like many others people. Let’s make sure we look at today and that everyone who is looking for a home can find it. You see that prices are still very high.”

“Those 900,000 homes are already difficult, they are already being delayed,” Dijkstra continues. “We have to work on this: government, financiers, construction, all parties that can contribute to this. The housing shortage is not easily solved, but it is acute. Let us focus on what is needed and not distract ourselves. of what we need to do now. Let’s ensure that we maintain the quality of life in this region and that there are sufficient homes for the youth.”

“It seems to me a completely impossible task if you look at tasks such as nitrogen and mobility,” is the first reaction of Reinder Hoekstra of Nature and Environment Federation Drenthe. He also misses the role of the provinces in the north, because De Jonge mainly calls for discussions with municipalities in the letter to the House of Representatives.

Hoekstra is more interested in looking at opportunities to build in cities and villages. “There are still many opportunities in the city center.” He is mainly referring to apartments for the elderly and residential care complexes that can be built there. He does not see the space for large-scale housing development between Assen and Groningen. That area is very low and has a ‘major water challenge’.

According to Hoekstra, the forecasts for population growth after 2030 are also a reason to take a critical look at De Jonge’s plans. “That growth is leveling off, in the east there is shrinkage. Large-scale housing construction sounds like the easiest path, but is this the path we should follow?” Hoekstra wonders. “Although I also understand that Drenthe embraces this.”
