This World Won’t Make Me Bad by Zerocalcare, plot

Zerocalcare come back upstairs Netflix with the new series This world won’t make me bad After Tear along the edges, a success in our country, but also in France, Spain and South America. “That surprised me a lot,” said the cartoonist during the presentation to the press in the neighborhood Testaccio of Rome, before 4,000 fans invaded the ex Slaughterhouse and attended the screening of the series.

The cartoonist evolves with respect to Tear along the edges. From existential and emotional themes jump to political topicsspeaks of discrimination, of immigration and Nazism (not of fascism). “It’s no longer scary fascism – comments the author – it is not an obstacle to claim an ideal continuity with that story. For the Nazism but that’s another story.”

This world won’t make me bad: the plot

The world of Zero limestone it is what we know, it moves between past and present, between the years Ninetythe game rooms and social centers, suburban life, the profanity and punk parties, dreams come true and those left hanging by a thread, tributes to Sailor Moon, Star Wars (there is a character who speaks like Yoda), Bridgerton, Robocop And Indiana Jones. The series of Zero limestone they should be seen more than once because in each episode another episode slips in and they open up time spaces which are nothing but the memories inside the protagonist’s memory.

The narrative line is drawn by Zero and by his friends, who by now everyone knows. Sarah and Dry they are also our friends. Together there is the Armadillothe voice of Zero’s conscience (Valerio Mastandrea). And this time a new character is added, Caesaralways voiced by Zero limestone (like all the others, except one that has the voice of Silvio Orlandoanother new entry in the series).

Zerocalcare, the trailer and the Netflix release date of

Cesare is an old friend who returns to the neighborhood after twenty years of absence and struggles to recognize the microcosm in which he grew up. He remained in a recovery center for some time. He was dealing and hanging around with shady faces. Zero would like to help him find his place in the world. The series deviates between past and present, recalls their relationship as children and teenagers, and that time Zero lent them two “piotte”. To do what?

The political series of Zerocalcare

Zero limestone raises the bar by making a series of six episodes lasting half an hour each, as opposed to the 15 minutes or so of the previous work. The cartoonist dares, goes further, even in the issues addressed. Actually “I wrote this story before Tear along the edges – he says – but I had afraid to get involved because it deals with complex topics such as immigration and politics. And the format was longer, I thought I couldn’t keep up the pace».

And instead This world won’t make me bad keeps up the pace. Fly high. The personal feelings of Zero limestone leave room for events involving his life (“Caesar is a set of many Caesars I’ve met”), but there are the current issues of discriminatory, homophobiai nazis who want to close a reception center because it is near a school (where Sarah works), and there politics who exploit the facts for their own gain.

Zero, Sarah and Secco. (Netflix)

The meaning of This world won’t make me bad

The title of the serieswhich draws its inspiration from a piece by a songwriter from Anguillararepresents a kind of mantra, a phrase that seems to hover over all the decisions that the protagonists find themselves having to make throughout the story. “THE characters are put to the test, and they are challenging and painful trials – he explains Zero limestone – through moments of crisis there are those who elbow and pass over the others, those who fall into this temptation and those who don’t. The series tells this ».

«We should tryat least as far as possible – continues the cartoonist – to give collective responses to problems, to try not to leave anyone behind: collective answers are for everyone. If a world that is sick grows, one day someone will also knock on the door of those who are well”.

