This women’s team photo caused a big stir

Arsenal’s women’s representative team does not have any black players.

Arsenal’s national team is full of white women. PDO

There are 27 smiling women in the shot, but none of them are dark-skinned.

Arsenal’s Team Image confuses and arouses discussion.

– Considering that this is a London club, the lack of diversity is sad, one supporter has stated.

Arsenal is known as a bunch of players from different backgrounds. The difference to, for example, the men’s national team is big.

– We are aware that our women’s representative team does not reflect the kind of diversity that prevails in the club and in the communities we represent, Arsenal responded to the criticism.

According to Arsenal, attracting women and girls from different backgrounds to the club’s academies is an important priority.

– In all our teams, including the men’s and women’s academies, we are proud of our players from different backgrounds who have contributed to our history, success and culture, Arsenal assures.

It’s not just Arsenal’s problem.

When Everton lost their former captain on the last day of the transfer window By Gabby George To Manchester United, it became, like Arsenal, a white women’s club.

The former defender of the England national team by Fern Whelan I think it’s a big problem if there are no role models for dark-skinned young girls and women in the sport.

– If you follow the league, you see a lot of white players. If it’s a young black girl, you might think, “where do I fit in there. Is it for me,” Whelan pondered.

If the image does not appear on your device, you can view it from here.

Source: The Athletic
