This will be the daily life of Princess Leonor at the military academy

Shared cameras, intense physical activity and study and hours from the reveille that marks dawn at 6:30 a.m. until silence at 11:00 p.m.; this will be the day to day of the princess eleanor in the General Military Academy of Zaragoza (AGM), where he will begin his military training.

On the eve of this important step, the Academy has opened its doors to show its facilities and welcome this new stage in the life of the princess.

The eldest of the Kings will join the military center of Zaragoza tomorrow Thursday between 10:00 and 12:00 in the morning together with another 612 cadets (140 of them women) and will form part of the I Cadet Battalion.

The king and queen and their sister, the Infanta Sofía, will be able to accompany her, allowing up to four relatives, who have the option to visit the center’s facilities for an hour and a half. beginning of a new stage

that way a new page will begin in his institutional trajectory as heir to the throne with her admission to the General Military Academy (AGM) of Zaragoza to begin her military training, which will last three years.

In the footsteps of his father and grandfather

The Princess of Asturias emulates the steps taken by her father, Felipe VIand his grandfather, Juan Carlos I, who also began their military journey in Zaragoza after completing their high school studies. In fact, one of the first things that the Bourbon cadet lady will find upon entering the AGM facilities will be a photograph of her father, which symbolizes her commitment to the institution.

The princess will set foot in the academy for the first time in civilian clothing, “avoiding tracksuits, shorts and beach shoes& rdquor ;, and without too much luggage, since they will immediately be given the military clothing that they will use while they are in the center, as established in the catalog of reception standards.

In the first two weeks, you will address the phase of “reception, orientation and adaptation to military life& rdquor ;, in which the cadets are accommodated in the cabins, go through the hairdresser’s, are given the basic military equipment and receive the first instruction and parade sessions.

Once this welcome stage is over, the “basic military training & rdquor;which starts on August 31 and September 1 with a level test, also in English.

Until September 10, the instruction and training phase will take place and nine days later, the delivery of sabers, which symbolizes the obtaining of the title of lady cadet by the princess, who will receive it from the hands of a second-year student and that formalizes the beginning of the course.

On October 7, he will swear the flag together with the new cadets and, the next day, he will join the second-year students. strict daily routine

Reveille hit and silence

The usual day at ‘la General’, as the academy is popularly known, starts at 6.30 am with the touch of reveille, after which breakfast takes place. classes beginat 7.45 am, including theoretical training and physical training. The dining room opens at 2:00 p.m.

There are several areas in it, depending on the grade of the students. The one for the first years, for example, has a capacity for 680 diners and the one for the second years, for 480, although they don’t usually all come together at the same time. owns a self service system, with a single menu for everyone, which consists of a first and second course and they can choose desserts, which include dairy products and fruits. Adaptations are made, with a reserved kitchen area, for celiacs and people with food intolerances.

In the afternoons, the students have activities and study hours, and also have free time. Dinner begins at 8:00 p.m., there is a night control at 10:30 p.m. and silence at 11:00 p.m., although you can study at night, either in your rooms or in the classrooms.

For their recreation and rest, the students have a casino for cadets, where they have a television, music and cafeteria area. In addition, once the pledge of allegiance -scheduled for October 7– takes place, they can go out in the afternoon, although they usually do not because the academic program is intense and a priority, as indicated by those responsible for this training center military.


on weekends too you can leave, from 12.00 hoursboth on Saturday and Sunday, in the case of first-year students, although from the second semester, if they have passed 60 percent of the military subjects, they can do so from Friday, at 2:00 p.m. .

The general daily schedule varies in the event that students are in a period of night instruction or participate in activities that do not allow compliance.

“Decoration and Correctness”

The regulation does special emphasis on physical appearance and the need to “always apply the ideals of decorum and correctnesseven when dressed as a civilian & rdquor ;.

The cadet ladies with long hair, as in the case of the princess, must take it collected with a bow in the formations and in moments of special relevance, while in sports activities it is authorized to comb it in a ponytail or braid, provided that its length does not exceed the height of the armpit.

The heir to the throne will be handed over on the first day.”the decalogue of the cadet & rdquor ;, a kind of moral guide that he will have to memorize and will mark his way of proceeding during his military career.

Among his commandments, “volunteer for all sacrifice& rdquor ;, “have love of responsibility and decision to solve it & rdquor; or “never murmur, nor tolerate it& rdquor ;. Physical preparation, study and leisure

Olympic pool and weight room

In the field of physical preparation, the Academy has an Olympic swimming pool and a weight room.

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Beyond physical activity, there is also study space. The classrooms of the Academy maintain the essence of tradition by conserving the classic blackboards, but they are also integrated into the modern era with computers and technological resources.

The Zaragoza AGM, in addition to the essential facilities, has a range of leisure opportunities: from a soccer field to a performance hall that completely make up a military city in itself.
