This weekend first red Saturday on the road for holiday traffic | News

This weekend the school holidays will start in many regions and the construction leave will start. This traditionally brings with it the first crowds on European roads. Saturday will immediately be a red day. This is apparent from a traffic forecast by Touring and VAB.

Construction leave starts with us in Antwerp, East Flanders, Limburg and Leuven. In Germany, the summer holidays begin in the regions of Brandenburg, Berlin and Hamburg, in Austria in Carinthia, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol and Vorarlberg. The summer holidays are also starting in the middle of the Netherlands and France, says VAB.

In Belgium it will be especially busy on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning with traffic jams in the direction of the coast, on the E411 in the direction of the Ardennes and on the E19 and E17 in the direction of Paris (orange). On Fridays, it can also be very busy all day long on the Brussels ring road and in the Antwerp and Liège area.


Very difficult traffic is expected in France on Friday with traffic jams (red) on the A10 between Orléans and Tours and on the A7 between Lyon and Orange. Try to avoid these highways between 3 and 8 pm. Saturday is a red day for departures across France, Touring says.

VAB expects the first red Saturday in Germany and Austria next weekend, with a lot of traffic, especially Saturday morning. Especially on the A10, especially at the Katschberg and Tauern tunnel, there is a lot of queues, just like on the main roads towards the Italian and French coasts.

In Switzerland, Touring expects heavy traffic (orange) before the departure on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday it could be very busy with long traffic jams (red). In Italy and Spain, Touring expects very difficult traffic with long traffic jams (red) only on Saturdays.
