This week again towards 30 degrees, still heat wave in Hupsel | Inland

With a southerly wind direction, warm air will be brought to our country on Wednesday. Combined with considerable sunny periods, this results in fairly high maximum temperatures for the end of August. It will be 25 degrees at the sea and deeper inland the mercury rises towards 30 degrees,” said Johnny Willemsen of Weerplaza.

Thursday will be the hottest day of the week. “It will be even slightly warmer than Wednesday. Along the eastern border, the temperature rises to 30 or 31 degrees,” says Willemsen. In the western provinces, a maximum temperature of between 25 and 27 degrees is expected. The wind is again from the south.

The last national heat wave lasted from Tuesday 9 August to Tuesday 16 August. A national heat wave requires at least five consecutive days of at least 25 degrees in De Bilt, three days of which are 30 degrees or more.

According to the weather bureau, the chance of a weather reversal increases from Friday. The wind turns to the north and brings cooler air to the Netherlands but it remains pleasant. Temperatures will gradually drop a few degrees over the weekend. The sun continues to shine regularly and every now and then a shower develops.

Still in heat wave

The regional heat wave in Hupsel, Gelderland, which started on Monday 8 August, is still ongoing. If the heat persists over the coming weekend, the regional heat wave could be extended to 22 days on Monday, August 26. The longest regional heat wave ever was measured in 2018. Then in Twente and Hupsel the criteria were met for no less than 29 days in a row.

Other weather stations have a chance of a second heat wave this year, but the chance of that is quite small because it is difficult to reach 30 degrees on Tuesday and Friday.
