This way you can wrap many gifts quickly and conveniently

Rescue is near for all helpers with packing stress, Hester is helper at the Pack & Close center in Den Bosch. “I notice that many people find it useful if someone else wraps the present. Especially if it has a different shape. But practice makes perfect.” Hester explains in five steps how to efficiently wrap a present.

1. Gather all materials
Before you start, grab some heavy-duty paper, scissors, tape in a holder, and decorations. “Folding the paper is a lot easier if you have sturdy wrapping paper,” says Hester. “Foil is especially difficult, because it can be very slippery.” But a good adhesive tape holder with a sharp serrated edge is also important. “You can then hold the folded wrapping paper with one hand and tear off the tape with the other.”

2. Do not cut the paper too narrow
First look at the shape of the gift. “Books, scents or other square boxes are often easy, but with all other shapes it becomes difficult to estimate how much paper you need.”

Place the gift in the middle of the wrapping paper roll, leaving a fair amount of paper around all edges. How do you know you aren’t cutting the paper too narrow? “You do this by first wrapping the paper around the gift. Make sure that one side of the paper overlaps the other side. Then cut the paper,” says Hester. If the piece you cut is too big, don’t start cutting again, but fold over an edge. Then secure the folded parts with a piece of adhesive tape.

Do not cut the paper too narrow
Do not cut the paper too narrow

3. Fold the wrapping paper at the corners
Fold two triangular flaps on the sides. You do this by folding the two points of the wrapping paper inwards. Make sure there is a tight fold in the paper. Run your thumb and index finger along the fold again. “This ensures that the paper is less likely to tear during the next step,” Hester explains.

Fold the wrapping paper over at the corners
Fold the wrapping paper over at the corners

4. Fold the flap inwards
You now have two triangular flaps on the side of the present. Make one large flap and fold it in the direction of the present. Make sure the paper is as close to the object as possible. Secure with tape and repeat on the other side.

Fold the flap inwards
Fold the flap inwards

5. Finish it off with decoration
The last but equally important step is decorating your wrapped gift. “A beautifully wrapped present is much more fun to give and receive.” Therefore, complete it with ribbons, a personal card or sticker with a name.

Hester worked as an assistant in the Packaging & Dicht plant in Den Bosch (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
Hester worked as an assistant in the Packaging & Dicht plant in Den Bosch (photo: Megan Hanegraaf).
