This was the exchange of words between Dani Alves and ‘Piojo’ Herrera

08/03/2022 at 16:52


Faced with the possibility of joining his team, the Tigres coach had words of ‘rejection’ towards the side

And he did not hesitate to respond to him on social networks

Since the departure of Daniel Alves for him FC Barcelona, many were the clubs that were interested in bringing the side. One of them was the tigers of mexicoteam trained by the ‘Louse’ blacksmith. The Mexican, in a press conference, was asked about the possible incorporation of Daniel Alves to your team. When asked, the Mexican did not hesitate to state that bringing Daniel Alves It would go against his will and the philosophy of his team, currently focused on promoting his talent from the academy and betting on his youngsters, and Alves, in the final stretch of his career, he would not fit in with the team. The Brazilian did not hesitate to respond to him on social networks and the ‘pique’ spread like wildfire. Days later, the technician had to go out and qualify his words, calming the atmosphere and closing the matter.

Daniel Alves He is the footballer with the most titles as a professional, and this places him on a special pedestal. In addition to that, from a technical point of view, the Brazilian is considered by many to be one of the best full-backs in history. A player with these records always has an important poster when he is left without a team. And now in the summer he has not been different for the international with the ‘canarinha’. One of the teams that was rumored to be contemplating and analyzing their options and chances of signing him was the tigers of mexico. The press took advantage of an appearance before the media by his coach, Miguel the ‘Louse’ Herrera, to ask him about the matter. In response to the question, the technician 54 years it was clear: “I try to rejuvenate the squad, who would not want to have Dani Alves, but having a player of that age is more for the name and for what he gives on the pitch. I love Dani but the one who played with Pep Guardiola, today With his age, he is one more bombshell of a name than the time that he can help us”said.

Asked why those were his impressions, he added: “Maybe he will play a good tournamentDueñas left because he asked to leave and we have Luis (Rodríguez) who will be ready in 2 or 3 weeks, Chuy Garza too and today we incorporate Aquino in his right profile, if we go with the consistency of what is established when he arranges with Tigres to lead is to get young people from the quarry, if I look for people from outside to look for a side it would go against my idealsI have faith in Chuy Garza and that he is ready.” So, blacksmith He clearly stated that both his will and that of the club is to promote his young talent and make way for new footballers, eager and hungry to win the position and stand out in their team.

Listening to those statements, Daniel Alves It didn’t take long for him to respond via Twitter: The ‘fucking wey’ manages time now!, were his words. The Brazilian’s response did not take long to spread like wildfire and was one of the most talked about topics, until he had to go out again ‘The lice’ to put peace and soften his previous statements.

“It was not the position I needed, I did not have foreign places and the one I let go I had to replace him with the same position”began. “At no time did I say that he was not a good player, he is the most successful of the football era, how am I going to say that stupid thing? It’s a bomb news like when it came Ronaldinho“, He threw ending his statements and closing the issue.

Now we have ahead of us to know how his meeting will be in person, with the match he will play tigers against CougarsAlves’s new team, the next August 28.
