This trick will help you clean gold and silver earrings in less than 10 minutes

08/20/2023 at 07:47


You will not need to buy specific products for cleaning

The night of COPE includes a trick that you will not stop using from now on

Jewelery and earrings of all kinds are common accessories in our day to day. However, when we have to clean these accessories, our heads get too hot. Pay attention to this trick that we have learned thanks to Begoña Ordenatriza woman expert in this type of advice.

Toothpaste to clean jewelry and all kinds of earrings

Begoña Ordenatriz has spoken with COPE’s night and has released a trick to clean jewelry and all kinds of earrings. It’s as easy as using toothpaste: “many times we don’t know how to clean them and it seems that buying a special liquid complicates us.

So, I have used a lifelong trick that is toothpaste“. This has to be white, and not gel: “a good toothpaste or a lower quality toothpaste is very noticeable.”

It is as simple as putting toothpaste on the entire surface of the jewelry, let it dry for 5-10 minutes and brush it with water using for this a new toothbrush, whose use is only this.

If what you need is to remove the rust that accumulates in some jewelry, Begoña Bet on transparent nail polish or use salt and lemon, drying this mixture for 3 or 4 hours in the sun.
